Crown Him a virtual hymn by STM Choir

Stratton Team Ministry virtual choir 'Crown Him' Soprano: Alison B, Anne P, Angela B Alto: Sue F, Angela B Tenor: Rob B Bass: Rob S Piano(keyboard) and Violin: Rob S Recorded separately edited together by Rob S. The words by Matthew Bridges. The tune is Diademata by George Elvey.

Morning Prayer- Monday 20th April

Morning Prayer with Rev Mark on Monday 20th April

Altogether Worship Second Sunday of Easter

Altogether Worship Second Sunday of Easter with Rev Mark on the 19th April 2020

BCP Morning Prayer- Saturday 18th April

Book of Common Prayer Morning Prayer with Rev Mark Saturday 18th April

Morning Prayer- Friday 17th April

Morning Prayer with Rev Mark on Friday 17th April

Morning Prayer and Blessings Thursday 16th April

Morning Prayer and Blessings with Rev Mark on Thursday 16th April

Morning Prayer- Wednesday 15th April

Morning Prayer with Rev Mark on Wednesday 15th April

Thine be the Glory a virtual hymn by STM Choir

Stratton Team Ministry virtual choir 'Thine be the Glory' Soprano: Alison B, Anne P, Angela B Alto: Sue F, Angela B Tenor: Rob B Bass: Rob S Piano(keyboard) and Violin: Rob S Recorded separately edited together by Rob S. The words of Thine Be the Glory were originally French by Edmond Louis Budry and translated by Richard Birch Hoyle. Tune is Maccabaeus by Handel.

Morning Prayer- Tuesday 14th April

Morning Prayer with Rev Mark on Tuesday 14th April

Morning Prayer- Monday 13th April

Morning Prayer with Rev Mark on Monday 13th April

Easter Sunday Service

Easter Sunday Service with Rev Mark 12th April 2020, also with June Lewis reading and STM virtual choir

Stratton Team Ministry: Easter Morning Dawn Reflection...

Stratton Team Ministry: Easter Morning Dawn Reflection...with Rev Mark 12th April 2020

Morning Prayer 110420

Saturday Morning Prayer with Rev Mark 11th April

When I Survey A Virtual Hymn by STM Choir

Stratton Team Ministry virtual hymn of 'When I Survey' with: Soprano: Alison B, Anne P, Angela B Alto: Sue F, Angela B Tenor: Rob B Bass: Rob S Piano(keyboard): Rob S Recorded separately edited together by Rob S

Reflections Around The Cross

Reflections Around The Cross with Rev Mark 10th April 2020

Good Friday Worship Together

Good Friday Worship Together with Rev Mark 10th April 2020 with music from our virtual choir.

Maundy Thursday Service

Maundy Thursday Service with Rev Mark 8:05pm 9th April 2020

Thursday MP and Blessing 09042020

Thursday Morning Prayer and Blessing with Rev Mark 9th April

Evening Reflection

Evening Reflection He Couldn't Mean Me Could He? Mark 14: 17-25 with Rev Mark 8th April

Morning Prayer 080420

Wednesday Morning Prayer with Rev Mark 8th April 2020

Luke 22: 7-13 It Was Ready For Us- Just as He Said It Would Be- Tuesday 7th April

Evening Reflection - Luke 22: 7-13 It Was Ready For Us- Just as He Said It Would Be- Tuesday 7th April

Morning Prayer 070420

Tuesday Morning Prayer with Rev Mark 7th April

Monday Reflection- He Was Angry- Mark 11:15-19

Monday Reflection - He Was Angry- Mark 11:15-19 with Rev Mark

Morning Prayer 060420

Monday Morning Prayer with Rev Mark 6th April 2020

Palm Sunday Service

Palm Sunday Service with Rev Mark

Saturday MP 4th April

Saturday Morning Prayer with Rev Mark 4th April 2020

Thursday MP and Blessing 02042020 Part 2

Thursday Morning Prayer with Rev Mark 2nd April 2020

Thursday MP and Blessing 02042020 Part 1

Thursday Morning Prayer and Blessing with Rev Mark 2nd April 2020

Friday MP 3rd April

Friday Morning Prayer with Rev Mark 3rd April 2020

Morning Prayer 01042020

Morning Prayer with Rev Mark 1st April 2020


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9:00am - 10:00am -
9:00am - 10:00am -
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